Kawasan Waterfalls After Canyoneering
– Lambug Beach
When we arrived at the entrance point of Kawasan Waterfalls. We saw our things were already prepared, they were all placed on a waiting shed. Philippines’ waiting shed especially Cebu’s Northern and Southern part all looks the same; It has semi-squared concrete seat, with visible rafters and aluminum roofing materials. The roofing usually looks like this but not all the time.
We checked our things and found all our things nothing is missing, I have proven their honesty. So, While waiting for the others who are changing. I was savoring my rest. I tried to remember all we did; it was really fun and promised to myself that I would do this activity again.
So, It was our turn to use the bathroom, there are only two bathrooms one for male and one for female, you have to pay 5 pesos; for the water and maintenance. I didn’t do much but only changed my clothes and off I went with my new found adventure mates. We decided to go to its town market, where we can eat lunch and maybe separate ways. The town market is not really much but you can buy all your needs; I found pharmacy, bakeries, stores, restaurant, ordinary food stalls, burger stations, small stores and more. Enough to get all you need. Buses stop over here too, so it’s convenient.
We went to a semi-expensive restaurant in the town but it’s not really expensive, it’s cheap actually but there are cheaper places. I had tried before the cheaper places they’re also clean and delicious but since I’m with the group. I must go with them. We ordered a lot of food and enjoyed our meal, we exchanged Facebook and we decided to say goodbye.
They plan to go back to the city but I have already planned to continue my Journey to the South and So, I went to Lambug beach. Going there means I have to either ride a motorcycle which we call habal-habal, a jeepney, tricycle or even a bus and since I’m saving money, I decided to take the jeepney but it took a while before it decided to start so I changed to tricycle which I paid for 20 php (40 yen).
I asked them to drop me off to the end road going to Lambug beach.