There are many nice places. I will introduce you from the beach, meal, Cebu Island


Category: Cebu Island 

Christmas’ Sale

Christmas’ Sale

Book Sale in Cebu!   Today, I’m in the city. Most of the malls here in the city are supersale. We usually have 70%, 50%, or 25% off. Especially for books! Yay! I love books! Most of the stores are making huge discounts for their […]

Movies in Cebu-Cinemas; Just My Random Movies

Movies in Cebu-Cinemas; Just My Random Movies

Cebu Cinemas are one of the places you might want to visit when you come here! We Filipinos also enjoy watching movies in the Cinema! I bet everybody do it. We watch movies according to their languages. If the movie language is English then we watch […]

All Saints’ Day / All Souls’ Day – Cebu Cemetery

All Saints’ Day / All Souls’ Day – Cebu Cemetery

All Saint’s Day and All Soul’s Day – Cebu Cemetery     All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day is celebrated on the first and second day of November every year. In the Philippines, this holiday is often referred as Undas. It is also sometimes referred to the […]