Tag: セブ島のおすすめの滝、セブ島のおすすめの観光地
Kawasan Waterfalls After Canyoneering Part 2
Kawasan Waterfalls After Canyoneering Part 2 Now, we are at Level-1-of-Kawasan Waterfalls. This one had been featured a hundred times. Maybe I made it a bit more exaggerated but yes, when you search the #kawasan you’d probably see a lot of photos. Watching […]
Kawasan Waterfalls After CanyoneeringⅠ
Kawasan Waterfalls After Canyoneering When you ask the Cebuanos, what the most famous watefalls in Cebu is. Everybody would probably answer, “ Kawasan Waterfalls in Badian. It has always been one of the tourists’ favorite destinations. I have always fancied visiting this place alone. […]