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A Journey to Round South Of Cebu
Blog – Journey # 1 I usually wake up 2 in the morning to prepare my things, take a bath, and eat light breakfast. I have always thought that this is the best time to wake up and prepare so that […]
Christmas’ Sale
Book Sale in Cebu! Today, I’m in the city. Most of the malls here in the city are supersale. We usually have 70%, 50%, or 25% off. Especially for books! Yay! I love books! Most of the stores are making huge discounts for their […]
Movies in Cebu-Cinemas; Just My Random Movies
Cebu Cinemas are one of the places you might want to visit when you come here! We Filipinos also enjoy watching movies in the Cinema! I bet everybody do it. We watch movies according to their languages. If the movie language is English then we watch […]